Building Version 8.0.0-beta-1

  1. AWS t2.large - Windows 2019 Server or Azure D4_v2 - Windows 10 Professional
  2. Git:
  3. MSBuild Tools & .NET Core Build Tools:
  4. .NET Core 3.1 SDK
  5. .NET Core SDK 2.1.80x
  6. .NET Framework Targeting Pack
  7. Sandcastle Help File Builder (for documentation)
  8. Create a build folder C:\Src, clone nesper from github:
    git clone
  9. Build using Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019:
    msbuild /t:Distribution NEsper.proj
  10. Verify build
    •   build\
  11. Open a Developer Command Prompt for VS2019 (see above), pack the project:
    dotnet pack /p:Configuration=Release NEsper.sln
  12. Push newget: dotnet nuget push -s .\**\*.nupkg

Building Version 6.1.0

The current version uses dotnet builder to build.


  1. Install dotnet-sdk-2.1.302-win-x64 (dotnet command should now be available)
  2. Install .NET Framework 4.5.2 Developer Pack (
    • Install NDP452-KB2901951-x86-x64-DevPack
  3. Install .NET Framework 4.6.2 Developer Pack (
    • Install NDP462-DevPack-KB3151934-ENU

Build Steps

Build NuGet packages:

  dotnet build --configuration=Release NEsper.sln
  (for alpha builds:) dotnet build --configuration=Release --version-suffix=alpha-X NEsper.sln

Restores the dependencies and tools:

  dotnet restore NEsperAll.sln

Build release zip-file:

  dotnet build /t:Distribution NEsper.proj

Run tests:

  dotnet test NEsper/NEsper/NEsper.csproj
  dotnet test NEsper/NEsper.Tests/NEsper.Tests.csproj
  dotnet test NEsper/NEsper.RegressionNEsper.Regression.csproj

Building Version 6.0.1 and lower (OLD BUILD)

Presently, NEsper can be built MSBuild or any IDE that can process Visual Studio 2008 Solution Files. The NEsper engine can be built and unit tested via the below commands.

NEsper requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.

The examples are located in the src\NEsper directory of the distribution.

NEsper Release Steps

Prerequisite Installed Components

a) MSBuild (latest)

b) MSBuild Tasks Community (

c) .NET Framework (according to the version being build)

d) Sandcastle for documentation (, latest version

e) Sandcastle Help File Builder for documentation (, latestversion

f) HTML Help Workshop

g) NUnit

h) Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset (from SourceForge) for MSI building, optional, at

i) For running unit tests that test integration with a relational database, either of the following databaseservers should be running:

MySQL Database or Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Instructions for setting up a MySQL or a SQLServer database:

Build Steps
1. Change Version
a. Change version in file to the desiredversion number

2. Check-in Code

3. Clean, Build

a. msbuild /t:Distribution NEsper.proj

b. msbuild /t:Package NEsper.proj (the result will be a file NEsper.x.y.z.nupkg in the root)

c. Upload to nuget (via Nuget website)

4. Unit tests are run from the IDE or the console. To run from the console, type:

a) nunit-console /labels /noshadow /fixture=com.espertech.esper \bin\Debug\NEsper.Tests.dll

nunit-console /labels /noshadow /fixture=com.espertech.esper \bin\Debug\NEsper.IO.Tests.dll

To run unit tests from MSBuild, type:
MSBuild /p:Configuration=Release /t:Tests NEsper.proj (updateNEsperTest.proj to your NUnit path)