This section lists the changes between NEsper .NET releases. The changes introduced in each release are split into the
following categories.
- API changes: Any changes to the API that may impact existing users.
- Major changes: Major new features.
- Minor changes: Smaller changes and bug fixes.
NEsper 8.9.1 Update Release
Released March 19, 2025
API changes
- No API changes.
Major changes
- See pull request at Pull Request
NEsper 8.9.0 Major Release
Released February 5, 2024
API changes
- No API changes.
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 8.9.0
NEsper 8.5.8 Update Release
Released Oct. 12, 2023
API changes
- No API changes.
Major changes
- StandardReaderWriterLock needed Interlocked modification of _rLockCount, see Pull Request
NEsper 8.5.7 Update Release
Released August 9, 2023
API changes
- No API changes.
Major changes
- Addressing compile & runtime issues for plugin-style assemblies, see Pull Request
NEsper 8.5.5 Comprehensive Update Release
Released March 12, 2023
API changes
- No API changes.
Major changes
- Addition of data loading of all dynamic assemblies into an AssemblyLoadContext: deployments are loaded into their own assembly context that is unloaded when the deployment is unloaded, non-deployments are loaded into a shared assembly context that is unloaded when the runtime is unloaded
- General build of netcoreapp3.1 and net 6
- Deprecation of net framework
- Removal of ambiguity checks from RoslynCompiler in favor of explicit imports
- Repairs to the test framework to support parallelization and isolation
- Migration of import generation to syntax trees
NEsper 8.5.3 Update Release
Released Nov. 7, 2021
API changes
- No API changes.
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 8.5.0.
- Corrects:
- Iterator of a join of virtual data windows not returning results
- Thread-safety issue loading Configuration from file
NEsper 8.5.2 Update Release
Released July 1, 2021
API changes
- No API changes.
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 8.5.0.
- Corrects:
- Taking SafeIterator to contexted statement causes deadlock
- Exception in compiling relational database join
NEsper 8.5.1 Update Release
Released November 13, 2020
API changes
- No API changes.
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 8.5.0.
- Corrects Linux-related issues
NEsper 8.5.0 New Release with .NET Core
Released November 6, 2020
API changes
- No API changes.
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 8.5.0.
- net462, net472, netcoreapp3.1
- For a list of bug fixes see changelog.txt.
NEsper 8.0.0-beta-1 New Release
Released March 9, 2020
API changes
- This release introduces the compiler and runtime architecture, see Esper – Information about Esper Version 8
Major changes
- See above
NEsper 6.1.1-Update Release
Released Oct. 27, 2018
API changes
- None as compared to 6.1.0
Major changes
- Performance-related bug fixes
NEsper 6.1.0-New Release
Released August 28, 2018
Move to .NET Core
This release moved to .NET core.
API changes
- See Esper 6.1.0 API changes
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 6.1.0.
- For a list of bug fixes see changelog.txt.
NEsper 6.0.1-New Release
Released October 12, 2017
API changes
- See Esper 6.0.1 API changes
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 6.0.1.
- For a list of bug fixes see changelog.txt.
NEsper 5.5.1-Update Release
Released May 1, 2017
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 5.5.0.
- For a list of bug fixes see changelog.txt.
NEsper 5.5.0-Update Release
Released January 30, 2017
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 5.5.0.
- For a list of bug fixes see changelog.txt.
NEsper 5.4.2-Update Release
Released August 29, 2016
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 5.4.0.
- For a list of bug fixes see changelog.txt.
NEsper 5.4.0
Released June 29, 2016
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 5.4.0.
NEsper 5.3.0
Released October 21, 2015
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 5.3.0.
NEsper 5.2.5
Released September 18, 2015
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 5.2.0. See Github for bug fix list.
NEsper 5.2.1
Released April 27, 2015
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 5.2.0
NEsper 5.1.0
Released November 19, 2014
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 5.1.0
NEsper 5.0.2
Released Oct. 1, 2014
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Corrected assembly bound types that might share the same name between assemblies. In addition the
release adds fine grained type resolution.
NEsper 5.0.1
Released August 20, 2014
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 5.0.0
- Fixes an issue in ANTLR dependencies for NEsper 5.0.0
NEsper 4.11.0
Released May 20, 2014
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Minor bug fixes, please inquire
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 4.11.0
NEsper 4.10.2
Released May 6, 2014
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Minor bug fixes, please inquire
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 4.10.0
NEsper 4.10.1
Released January 28, 2014
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Migrated to commons-logging
- Removed NUnit dependency from NEsper core product
- Added support for Noesis Javascript (stable)
- Added support for Jurassic Javascript (alpha)
- Moving package management to nuget
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 4.10.0
NEsper 4.10.0
Released January 13, 2014
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Migrated to commons-logging
- Removed NUnit dependency from NEsper core product
- Added support for Noesis Javascript (stable)
- Added support for Jurassic Javascript (alpha)
- Moving package management to nuget
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 4.10.0
NEsper 4.8.0
Released July 9, 2013
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 4.8.0
NEsper 4.6.2
Bug fix release for version 4.6.1, released December 6, 2012
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 4.6.0
NEsper 4.6.1
Bug fix release for version 4.6.0, released November 16, 2012
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 4.6.0
NEsper 4.6.0
Released November 9, 2012
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Same feature set and bug fixes as Esper 4.6.0
NEsper 4.5.2
Released September 26, 2012
API changes
- None
Major changes
- None, performance-related changes only
- Same feature set as Esper 4.5.0
Minor changes
- none
NEsper 4.5.0
Released March 12, 2012
API changes
- See Esper version 4.5.0 change description
Major changes
- See Esper version 4.5.0 change description
- Same feature set as Esper 4.5.0
Minor changes
- none
NEsper 4.1.0
Released April 27, 2011
API changes
- See Esper version 4.1.0 change description, no major API changes.
Major changes
- See Esper version 4.1.0 change description
- Same feature set as Esper 4.1.0
Minor changes
- none
NEsper 4.0.0
Released January 19, 2011
API changes
- See Esper version 4.0.0 change description, no major API changes.
Major changes
- See Esper version 4.0.0 change description
- Same feature set as Esper 4.0.0
Minor changes
- none
NEsper 3.4.1
Released October 18, 2010
API changes
- Enhancements release: Performance changes
Major changes
- Same featue set as NEsper 3.4.0
Minor changes
- none
NEsper 3.4.0
Released July 27, 2010
API changes
- Enhancements release; Esper for .NET - feature equivalent to Esper 3.4.0 with the exception of IO
Major changes
- All new featues of Esper 3.4
- The DLL has been split into an API DLL and a runtime DLL: NEsper.dll and NEsper.Runtime.dll
Minor changes
- none
NEsper 3.3.0
Released March 8, 2010
API changes
- Enhancements release; Esper for .NET - feature equivalent to Esper 3.3.0
Major changes
- All changes for Esper 3.3
- MonitorLock, MonitorSpinLock
- Default timeout now uses BaseLock.MLockTimeout
- IDisposable instance is singleton reducing heap fragmentation.
- HighResolutionPerformanceProvider changed to use double instead of decimal for calculation. Faster
performance with no notable degradation. - Benchmark performance improved from 1.3 million EPS to 3.6 million EPS.
Minor changes
- none
NEsper 3.2.1
Released Jan. 26, 2010
API changes
- Bug fix release; Esper for .NET - feature equivalent to Esper 3.2.0
Major changes
- Fixed bug ESPER-436.
- Fixed bug ESPER-437.
- Fixed bug ESPER-438.
- Fixed bug ESPER-442.
- Added BlitReaderWriterLock as a configurable option.
Minor changes
- none
NEsper 3.2.0
Released Jan. 2, 2010
API changes
- Esper for .NET - feature equivalent to Esper 3.2.0
Major changes
- Feature equivalent with Esper 3.2.0
Minor changes
- see Esper 3.2.0 release notes
NEsper 3.1.0
Released Sept. 15, 2009
API changes
- Esper for .NET - feature equivalent to Esper 3.1.0
Major changes
- Feature equivalent with Esper 3.1.0
Minor changes
- see Esper 3.1.0 release notes
NEsper 3.0.0
Released August 3, 2009
API changes
- Esper for .NET - feature equivalent to Esper 3.0.0
- The Destroy() method has been changed to Dispose(). Of course this implies that the objects now
implement IDisposable ... so if you have language bindings, now you can use them. - The statement listeners have been augmented by true EventHandlers (delegates). So you don't need to
implement an interface and you don't need to use proxies from previous versions.
Major changes
- Feature equivalent with Esper 3.0.0
- XML support is now a part of NEsper. Includes XML schema normalization and XPath.
- The strict Map requirement has been replaced with a general infrastructure for handling IDictionary - if
you choose not to use that structure, but instead use IDictionary it will now do automatic translation
under the covers for you. - Full support for string indexing was added to NEsper (the Java version doesn't support this).
Minor changes
- see Esper 3.0.0 release notes
NEsper 2.1.0
Released September 27, 2008
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Feature equivalent with Esper 2.1.0
Minor changes
- None
NEsper 1.12.0 Release Candidate 2
Released June 3, 2008
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Feature equivalent with Esper 1.12.0
- Repackaged to add projects to distribution
Minor changes
- None
NEsper 1.12.0 Beta 1
Released February 16, 2008
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Feature equivalent with Esper 1.12.0
- Improved support for SQL and database access
- Includes benchmark kits
Minor changes
- None
NEsper 1.10.0 Beta 1
Released September 22, 2007
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Refactoring effort in Esper between 1.3 and 1.4
- Refactoring effort in Esper between 1.4 and 1.10
- Addition of database support to NEsper via ADO.NET
- Addition of parameter style support do address quirks in the ADO.NET parameter model
- Addition of dynamic code generation to access properties and fields
- Conversion of ReaderWriterLock to FastReaderWriterLock -- implementation flaw in CLR
- Includes NEsperIO as a port of EsperIO 1.10.0
Minor changes
- None
NEsper 1.3.0 Final
Released June 13, 2007
API changes
- None
Major changes
- Conversion of Esper to the CLR.
- Most of the method names have had their canonization changed to reflect .NET coding conventions.
- Database support has been dropped in this release until we can address positional parameters in
ADO.NET. - Many of the interfaces used in Esper have been changed to delegates in NEsper.
Minor changes
- None
NEsper 1.3.0 Beta 1 - Release Candidate
Released April 28, 2007
API changes
- None
Major changes
- None
Minor changes
- None